Meet Student Midwife Matison!

Update: Matison graduated in 2023 and is now a Licensed Midwife! Our clients have loved working with Matison and she is now the second half of the Shade Tree Midwifery Team!

Midwife Rebekah has spent years mentoring other women, whether they be doulas, aspiring birth workers or childbirth educators. There have been many cups of coffee shared while discussing the beauty and challenges of the job we all love! It would only be natural to add a student midwife to her practice and continue the ancient tradition of midwifery through apprenticeship .

Student Midwife Matison was first a friend of Midwife Rebekah. She met her while Matison was a training doula. Their paths crossed again after Matison began her clinical training and then joined Rebekah’s practice in the spring of 2022. After welcoming her third child, Matison is back from maternity leave and jumping right back into her clinical training. She is a student midwife with more than one midwifery practice to help round out her education with different styles and modalities. Rebekah is excited for her clients to get to know Matison and believes that she is an asset to the birth team and her midwifery practice. You can learn more about her below!

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Matison says: “I have been a certified doula for two years, and am also a birth assistant, and a student Midwife. My goal is for every one of my clients to feel educated and supported through this life changing journey. When I am not in the birth space with clients I can be found at home with my sweet husband and three beautiful children, studying all things birth, or crocheting.”

You can learn more about Student Midwife Matison at her website.