This post was written a few months before Rebekah was licensed to practice midwifery in Texas while she still practiced as a doula. More information about home and birth center births with Midwife Rebekah coming soon!
Hi, I’m Rebekah!
I am originally from the Denton area and came back “home” after I finished my undergrad (at Texas Tech). I have been married for just over 10 years & together we are a “girl family” with three daughters ages 7, 5 & 2.
In 2015 I certified as a birth doula and also began working at a local birth center as a Midwife Assistant. Along the way I added Placenta Encapsulation to my services as I saw what a helpful option this was for my clients during their postpartum transition. I licensed as a Certified Professional Midwife and Texas Licensed Midwife in 2021. ! Through my years of birth work, I have had the honor to support 300+ families in their birth process in my different roles.
When I’m not at a birth you can find me with my family! We live rural on a few acres which keeps us busy! I do housework and daily tasks to the sounds of Praise and Worship music or Podcasts! (If you have music playing at your birth, there’s a good chance I’ll sing along!)
With my various roles I have supported families in their Hospital Births, planned epidural Births, Planned and Unplanned Cesareans, Birth Center Births and Home Births!
I have studied beyond the initial Doula Training I received in 2015. I have cross-trained with 2 doula certification organizations, Done Spinning Babies advanced training, TENS training for birth, Advanced Breastfeeding Support/Lactation Counselor Classes, Essential Oils and Homeopathy Courses. I have been working on CEUs before my midwifery license with various Midwifery Specific topics/trainings & have earned more than half of the required hours for my MEAC accreditation bridge (MEAC is the new preferred licensing distinction amongst Certified Professional Midwives).
I believe that birth is a natural process, not a medical emergency. I believe that if a woman chooses, she can usually birth without intervention or emergency! Sometimes interventions are necessary and when that happens I am grateful that we have skilled medical providers to keep birth safe! As a doula, I support birth both in and out of hospital! While I frequently doula for families birthing in birth centers or at home, I am more often supporting families who know they want or need a hospital birth! I support inductions, planned cesareans, surprise/unplanned cesareans. Doulas are not one-size-fit all, they are for every birth! It is always my goal to set families up for success! At the end of the labor and birth process, you are going to be parents! That’s where the real work begins! Helping women have positive birth experiences extends beyond the moment. A Positive Birth: sets them up for better postpartum (mental health and physical health), better bonding with their baby, better equipped for breastfeeding, and so much more!
Want to learn more about me? I gave this interview for Voyage magazine & Birth Boot Camp a few years ago (please note: my contact information is not the same)
Wondering about my own birth experiences?
My first daughter was born in the hospital without epidural/narcotic pain relief with a birth team consisting of Midwives and a Doula!
My second daughter was born in a birth center. It was a water birth with a birth team consisting of 2 Midwives, a doula and a birth assistant!
My third daughter was born in a birth center! It was my longest labor (by 24 hours!) and I had a birth team consisting of 4 midwives (at various times, 2 at the time of birth), 2 student midwives, and a Doula!
Yes, I hire doulas for my own births! I wouldn’t birth without one!!
Rebekah in labor with her third, her doula, Sarah, belly sifting!
Ready to book a free consultation to see how Rebekah can support your birth?
Rebekah’s family
Professional Photo Credits in order of appearance: Erin Beth Birth, Lawren Rose Photography, Birth Unscripted