I Passed NARM!

When you make a post on facebook that is basically a blog post, it only makes sense to also post it on your blog. I wanted to share that I passed NARM (the test for licensing to become a Certified Professional Midwife, a national credential in the US) but I also hope this serves as a picture into the life of a busy student midwife. I’m often asked by doulas or aspiring students about pursuing a midwifery license, here’s a glimpse from the side of being “done”.

2 years and 4 months ago my family and I started the journey towards me becoming a midwife. I say family, because while I poured my literal blood, sweat and tears into this process; My family was my rock. John was the amazing supportive husband he has always been! As soon as I started, he had to pick up many of the responsibilities I couldn’t carry anymore and then for about a year at the peak of my education - he was basically flying solo, a full time job, a household and 3 kids with a wife he only saw when I was sleeping (usually during the day) or with my nose in a textbook. He was also basically my personal secretary- like the time (well, both times…) I started driving across the state for a clinical training workshop and called him and say that I hadn’t had time to book a hotel, so would he please book it and call back to tell me where I should go (mind you, I was always driving in last minute enough to arrive after midnight)! My dad provided on-call childcare, he cooked for us and provided encouragement and advise! We've had weeks we moved into his house when my call-load was too much and I've crashed on his couch when I was too tired to drive the 10 more minutes home. I can’t tell you how many times I left his house from dropping off children with breakfast in my hand because he got up early to cook so I’d eat something that day. He's driven me on 3 hour round trips to see clients or do work when I was too tired to drive. My brother Robert has kept me in a running vehicle for this journey, because not having a car payment is a big piece of how we could afford midwifery school. He has literally swapped cars with me on my way into births so he could take care of various mechanic things. He also didn't kill me that time I totaled an engine on my way home from a birth on a rainy night. My sweet children. E was 6 months old when I started this journey, she doesn’t know anything different, her toddler years looked 80% different from what her sisters had. C and A faced a change in schools so I could be a student. They were patient and understanding about my absence and need to study when I was home. Many times “spending time together” was them cuddled up next to me while I napped. Their only requests when I would leave for births is for me to bring home a picture of the baby for them to see. The reality of being a daughter of a midwife is too big to paint here, but they bore with grace. I paint this picture of sacrifice because it’s the truth. Midwifery school was the hardest thing I, we, have ever done. But, it’s finished!!

I am elated to say - that I passed the NARM (the test for licensing)! And after another round of paperwork (it’s never ending…) I’ll be a Licensed Midwife in Texas!

THANK YOU to my family and THANK YOU to all of the families that allowed me to serve them and learn through their births! I will forever cherish these memories and the lessons I was afforded the opportunity to learn! Your births live on as the skills in my hands as I serve new families.

And an enormous THANK YOU to my teachers! I literally couldn’t have done this without each of you!
Lauren was my very first teacher - you taught me how to be an amazing birth assistant, to always look ahead and to anticipate needs! Thank you so much for giving me the first chance, I'm glad to call you friend! To Jean and Elaine for teaching me as you worked, for growing a love of midwifery in me and believing in me when it was just an idea. To Kaitlyn and Gina, for giving me a place, letting me belong and believing in me from the beginning! You both said that the hard births make great midwives - thank you for teaching me and letting me spread my wings and prove myself. To Roxanne, thank you for your listening ears, gentle guiding, patience and instruction. I will never forget you acting like it’s normal for me to sob through a conversation because I was too tired to cope. Thank you for teaching me what it’s like to face the hard, and take care of ourselves so we can keep serving. Justine, thank you for being real with me. For shooting straight and saying things in a way that could finally click for my brain! Thank you for teaching me to sit on my hands, a skill every Midwife must have! Bri, you showed up and jumped right on “Team Rebekah”. The day we met and I told you that you’d love Mallory and me - I didn’t know my sarcasm was the truth. Hearing your voice calling me to births (“Hey babe”), listening to your quiet instructions in my ears - always calm and always believing in me! You only had to threaten violence once 😂 Thank you for being my teacher, my cheerleader and my friend! Ashley, You’re always there to answer the phone and hear me where I'm at, thank you! For being a sounding board and letting me demonstrate and grow my skills. You didn’t let me shrink back when I was fine - you bolstered the confidence I was lacking. Judith, thank you for your patient, kind and gentle spirit; for showing me how that looks in the birth room and with patient care. For being the teacher I didn’t know I was getting. For demonstrating and teaching me skills I never knew I could possess. Julie, your beautiful spirit brought me so much joy! You trusted me and let me do my thing which lit a fire of confidence! We’ve had many a wild ride, but each one with smiles and laughter! Thank you for all the lessons! Ashlyn, thank you for your gentle instruction and calm when I wasn’t (on the inside). For your friendship and ready willingness to share your vast knowledge! I'm so glad we got to work together! Mallory, my midwifery sister. God knew I couldn’t have done this without you. For listening to hundreds of conversations where I can’t make up my mind and letting me list pro/cons for the umpteenth time. For paving a way, holding a lantern so I know what’s next. For being my research guru when I mention a “I wonder why…” For literally being a piece of my heart - I couldn’t have done this without you! My work wife. ❤️❤️
Brooke, Amanda & Rachel - thank you for holding me up and cheering me on, even when I didn’t think I could. Thank you for being my biggest cheerleaders!!
The Lord has blessed me with so many friends that have been listening ears and a behind the scenes support system, you aren’t forgotten- thank you for all you have done!
(If you read this far, bless you, thank you for support - my life is better for it!)